Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weekly update

Well, I just got off the computer I am probably going to go downstairs and pour the remaining wine that I start last night into my (gobblet- too big to call a "wine glasses") and head back upstairs to read.  
Its "funny" how we keep doing the same stuff over and over. It is not going to get better unless something changes right? So, why is it so hard to change? I know I want to have a healthier lifestyle, eat better and exercise. So why is it easier to stay where I don't want to be (weight and being unhealthy) then it is to just change!!
OMG, this month is going to be crazy as hell. I have a medical terminology test this week, then next week is the oral presentation and the last exam, then the following week is lab final and the final the next week.  Well, right now I am sitting in class studying and trying to not get involved in the gossip and stuff some students are doing. OK bad to studying then I have class after I am going home to study goto bed early because I have my second to last day of clinical. This one guy is tripping of how much RTs get paid OMG we still have 1 1/2 years!! OK, studying!!
I am at clinicals now. I wish I had this RT first not that any of the others were bad just that well she is a she and she's though. More Later. OK it's a little after noon. I have done two rounds with today's RT. She is nice drilling me on things I know but can't explain yet. My confidence in the subject is not as high as it should be but again my self confidence isn't high either. I am fine, I will be fine I am a survivor!! OK, its again little later on in the day. I wish my self esteem was better, well I wish a lot of stuff but like I said before I am a survivor. My self esteem has been getting better, it takes time. I have come to realize that I truly need only one person and that is myself. If I had a ton of friends but didn't love myself, I would be in more trouble then if it was me and no one!!
Its been a couple days again!! Damn time fly's. Nothing much going on just reading my text book, trying to absorb these last three chapters I have in this book for this semester!! The chapter on the respiratory system is CHUCKY!! I feel for every 1 page I read two more are added lol. D's just BBQed I love his food!! It's several hours to dinner and he just finished and left the meat on the counter I want to eat now!!! LOL, well I gotta get back to reading. More tomorrow =)
Wow, this morning is something alright!! I woke up in some funky funk. What I have realized is I am an addict! NOT to drugs, sex, alcohol, but to the false belief that was instilled in my since birth: I am not worth it and I am going to fail anyways so WHY try to fight it!! Really, that is my addiction and like any other addiction out there it is affecting me and everyone in my life. And of course it's NOT true!! My mom was a window shopper, she loved to look and dream of better things, but she was unsure of how to get it. My dad was the "Big Talker" always saying that the next paycheck was going to be the "BIG ONE!", and of course that never came.
Well, today is my last day of clinicals this semester. I can't believe that it has already been 5 weeks, everyone has been really nice.  But, these next couple of weeks are going to be crazy!! Yesterday, I did my oral presentation, which I think went just fine. ,ext Tuesday is my lab final and I believe my last exam if its not that day its that Thursday, either which way I have to study fir it regardless then the following week its the final!! Everything is same old same old at home just normal life stuff nothing I can go to much into detail with. Just have to roll with the bunches that life throws and when you fall you just dust yourself off and go back to it. Outside of that not much, well I am thinking about how I am going to handle my every grow blogs that I haven't been able to post because of course school comes first. Anyways, I am just working on my plan of a attack for a couple of things for when - get my break. OK back to business cya later=) OH, I forgot to blog this LOL! Just another sample of how I AM NOT GRACEFUL!! Yesterday morning I got up and ready for the day I went into our bedroom to say bye to D and then I closed the door and started to walk down the stairs. . . Well I slipped!! Landed about a quarter of the way down. D and his mom came out of their bedrooms and I am black and blue and my left arm is sore because I had used that to brace the fall. NOT gracefully!! (See pic of my bruised leg =( )
Well today is going OK.  I was up fairly early and to the gym and OSH (had to get a new light bulb for Reba's cage) and home fairly early. I was online for a bit a couple of minutes ago, I didn't go upstairs to get online but to get the bed sheets to wash. I always get side track and that needs to stop! I am downstairs now doing the laundry and studying. When all the laundry is done I will take it up. For now just studying, I will do the checkbook and relax when all that is done. I probably won't post this until the semester is over, I have too much too do.
OK, I just went ahead and posted it for the love of pete! lol
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